'Men’s Fall Clothing Haul 2018. Here are some recent fall/winter pickups from the last couple of months. My Own Clothing Line CLICK HERE: https://www.jadongrundy.com/ Follow My Social Medias Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jadongrundy/ Snapchat-j_grun32 Depop: https://www.depop.com/jadongrundy Fall is officially here. The best time of the year to start getting clothes together to layer up. I recently made a Fall 2018 Fashion Trends video, so to follow up, I wanted to show some of the stuff that I’ve gotten recently. This is going to be a fall pickups haul along with some of the thrift pieces I got from the last video. Hope you Enjoy! Clothing Links Travis scott Astroworld Merch https://shop.travisscott.com/ Living to Death https://loosethreadsshop.com/collections/ltd Profound Aesthetic Rose Tee https://profoundco.com/products/burning-rose-drawing-graphic-printed-tee?variant=12422260916295 Profound Aesthetic Trucker Jacket https://profoundco.com/products/shearling-trucker-jacket-in-cream?variant=1340023996434 Casbia Awol Mud Combo https://www.casbia.com/e-shop/awol-ap-mud-combo/ Pumo RS-0 Sound https://us.puma.com/en/us/pd/puma-x-roland-rs-0-sneakers/368406.html?dwvar_368406_color=Puma%20Black Puma RS-0 Sound Camera Flash https://us.puma.com/en/us/pd/rs-0-optic-sneakers/366884.html?dwvar_366884_color=PumaSilver-Quarry-PumaWhite Follow My Social Medias Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jadongrundy/ Snapchat-j_grun32 Depop'
Tags: winter , autumn , travis scott , Fall Fashion , clothing haul , virgil abloh , streetwear , fashion trends 2018 , louis vuitton , paq , fall fashion trends , Fall style , mens fashion haul , mens fall fashion , essentials , fall fashion 2018 , huge clothing haul , fall fashion men , mens fall outfits , mens fall fashion lookbook , fall fashion lookbook , fall essentials , mens fall fashion essentials , fall 2018 fashion trends , new pickups , 10 trends , astroworld merch , astroworld merch review
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